Check out this podcast episode by The Moth Radio Hour which features four different perspectives around the theme of home.
“Yearning for a place to call home, leaving one home in search of another and coming to find beauty and a true sense of belonging.”
Meet Suzi Ronson, a hairdresser from Beckenham, UK who leaves home as she stumbles into the rockstar life. Then, Denis Repp gives home to troubled shelter dog, and both of them find the much needed love they deserve. Jonah Lehrer talks about his life after a ‘fall from grace,’ and Abeny Kucha, the “First Cow,” flees violence in Sudan to find home in Portland, ME.
Visit (The Moth|Radio Hour) to hear full episode and to see images from these stories.
Below is a follow-up interview with Abeny Kucha- hear her humor (and explanation of the nickname “First Cow”). She has also written a book: Tears of a Mother: A Sudanese Survivor’s Story by Abeny Kucha.
Cover image by Mark Wagner.